Friday, November 8, 2024

The loonie ladies of the left are gonna be very recognizable on the street with their heads shaved...

In one video, a woman in a purple shirt states that she is “giving up on America,” making the statement while shaving the side of her head. She concludes during her rant that basic beauty standards should be completely forgotten, because that is what the “patriarchy” wants.
Click on this screen cap to see her rant on X

“Fuck coloring our hair. Fuck having my hair be long and luxurious. Fuck all that shit. Fuck being skinny. Fuck being hot. Fuck being all the things that the patriarchy wants us to be, because clearly, they don’t give a shit about us,” she concluded, informing men that she will not be speaking to them. Report courtesy of Breitbart.

Know someone who loves cats
but isn't a loonie lefty?

Click on this picture for more information 
on these earrings my wife made.
They're only $ 18.00 and that price 
includes free shipping.


  1. The "Shaved Head Movement" is the crazy leaftist woman's equivalent of local governments naming ghetto streets after Martin Luther King Jr. They both provide a very clear and effective warning: DANGER - DO NOT GO HERE

  2. At least the animal shelters will find homes for all the cats in a few years...

  3. Why does the top pic look very AI generated? And shaving the head will make them easier to avoid, with hair color you have to be close enough to see the color at that point your in range .

  4. I'm very grateful that loons like those will not be speaking to me and self identifying by cutting off their hair is like the way a poisonous snake reveals itself by its color.

  5. Pretty sure none of these skanks have an actual MAN for a boyfriend.

  6. Shortly after the war ended in France, women who had dated German soldiers were turned out on the streets and their heads were shaved to shame the traitors. Shaved head=Traitor

  7. Nature's way of saying, "DANGER-ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE"!
    There is crazy. Then, there is batshit-wild-eyed-liberal crazy. Learn it. Know it. Avoid it.

  8. Two decades ago these idiots could be found rolling around on the floor at Toys Я Us kicking and screaming because they didn't get what they wanted, when they wanted it.


Good night, Mr. Sneyd...

  ...   Is the woman you love a cat lover? She'd probably love to have these. Click on the picture above for information on these earrin...