Saturday, November 23, 2024

I bet you can't name the first POTUS...


These Presidents included:
  • Peyton Randolph (1774)
  • Henry Middleton (1774)
  • Peyton Randolph (1775)
  • John Hancock (1775-1777)
  • Henry Laurens (1777-1778)
  • John Jay (1778-1779)
  • Samuel Huntington (1779-1781)
  • Thomas McKean (1781)

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift
that she'd really appreciate.
Remember, Christmas is coming soon...
Click on the picture for more information on this unique bracelet.
It's only $ 35.00 and that price includes free shipping!


  1. Ceremonial position with no real power...SOUNDS GREAT! Can we have a government like that too?


Florida Man proves once again that Islam is a religion of love...

He chose to tell his 'followers' this on the holiest day on the Christian calendar. I honest to god can't comment on this withou...