Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Think they could get away with this in these hyper-sensitive times? I doubt it...

A bus ferries the Munchkinland cast to the set in a publicity stunt to drum up interest in the film during production. The actors were later given a collective star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. You can't even use words like 'midget' or 'dwarf' anymore, They're all just 'little people' as if that phrase isn't more degrading than the other ones, if ya think about it...

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.
It's only $ 55.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Just to let you know, if you have a special occasion like a
 birthday or anniversary coming up towards the end of
 September and you wanna get her some jewelry from Barbara, 
she won't be able to ship anything for a couple
 of weeks in the middle of the month, so your best bet is to
 order by tomorrow morning. Okay?

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