Monday, September 2, 2024

I'm okay, you're okay. Or are we?

These stats are from an on-line analytics website called similarweb. I have no idea what's going on out there but it would appear that we're growing a bit in popularity, for whatever reason. Our viewership numbers have remained fairly constant (I'm hesitant to say 'stagnant') over the past year or so, with annual viewership in the 3,000,000 +/- page views per year range, which may not sound like a lot to google or yahoo, but I'm proud as fuck of those numbers. You guys can see my realtime viewership numbers by clicking on that counter on the right side bar. It only shows daily figures, not annual.
I am curious that the daily views number hasn't increased over time, though - maybe I should ask you guys to share what you're enjoying on your own social media platforms. That'd be nice, guys, thanks in advance...


  1. I've been censored on a couple other sites so I started coming here a few months ago. I didn't post anything thousands of others didn't say the same thing so I don't know why I got banned.

  2. You've got my attention alright!
    But please, can you make the font a little smaller? 🤔😇🤣

  3. I lost you awhile back because of a crashed computer. Re found a year or three ago. Yours is a fave, daily visit.


Kids these days, huh?