Thursday, September 19, 2024

I'm not here. I'm somewhere driving on the correct side of the road...


  1. Just recently lost my left middle finger. I may have to get a vehicle from across the pond for convenience of letting people know that they are driving badly.

  2. Americans drive on the right since original teamsters road on one of the horses. It was easier to sit on the left horse so your right (dominate) hand could control the horses. In short, the English drive on the left for belligerence; Americans drive on the right for commerce.

  3. There is a view that says that most people are right hand and right eye dominant so anything you could hit should be on your right to have the best chance of reacting well to threats - aircraft carriers have their island on the pilot's right for this reason. This means two thirds of the world drive on the wrong side.


Computer dating - Playboy style...