Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ain't it the (sad) truth...

 Aside from reminding us who the jerkoffs are that are running for office, 
what other purpose woulld a political billboard have? It's not like you'd be driving down the road and see a sign for 'SMURF FOR CONGRESS' and say to yourself 'Boy, that's a guy I wanna have in office...


  1. If your position on an issue can fit on a billboard or bumper sticker, you probably do NOT have position worth supporting. FREEDOM is NOT something that can be reduced to such simplistic verbiage.

  2. My poli Sci professor told of a man running for office named Mr. Tuck. He only campaigned by putting up white signs with black letters that simply said "Tuck". The weekend before the election, Mr. Tuck defaced all.of his own signs. He won.

    A few years back, some idiot running for the water board put a sign on my property without asking first. I took it down right away and we voted against the guy. Normally, knowing nothing about the people running, I won't vote for the office. In this case, the sign was a negative.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...