Friday, August 16, 2024

You think it's bad here - how about our neighbors to the north?

The tax system in Canada is draining out every dollar earned from its citizens to the government’s kitty. A recent report published by the Fraser Institute shows that Canadians pay 43% in income tax. That’s more than spending on food, housing, and clothing combined.
The Canadian Consumer Tax Index 2024 edition shows that Canada’s average income is $109,235 yearly. However, $46,988 is paid in income tax, equaling 43% of their income. They’re now left with $62,247 a year to meet housing demands, food, and clothing, among other necessities.


You know what I mean. Sometimes, not bery often, but every once in a while you see a headline so intriguing - so correctly worded - that you  have to read the article. More times than not the article itself is a disappointment, but not so in this case. This is fuckin' hilarious - well, at least if you have a sick sense of humor like I do...


Harris’ campaign insists that she does not want to ban fracking, even though that was precisely her position just a few years ago when she first pursued the White House.

Thankfully, I've never been a fashion hound...

If you want to buy a 50lb. bag of Cheetos, ya got show proof, 
but ya don't need an ID to vote. Go figure...



 This is just a very small sample of the $ 82,000,000,000.00 
worth of weapons, vehicles, hardware and other shit that Biden gave the Taliban before he pulled our troups out and they used that shit to take over the country. Unfortunately, though, this shit never gets discussed in the MSM because they're too busy sucking his dick to tell the truth about how bad a POTUS he really has been. Sad but true. How did this fuckin' guy get such a pass on this move???


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!

This is that 'girl' boxer who beat the fuck outta everybody and got the gold in Paris. Still looks like a guy wearing makeup like on that Ru Paul show. Juss' sayin'...


Don't know if that's good or bad or what...




  1. Costco is a business, not a government. Different incentives. Costco's profits come mostly from membership fees, so of course they want to catch the free loaders. They also have good security leaving the store; damn few shoplifters there. Withiin their limits, Costco is terrific; good prices, good values, decent/well behaved customers, good customer service. If government was run like Costco it'd be great. Unfortunately, we've decoupled those who PAY for government from those who BENEFIT, to our ever increasing dismay. Long past time to move to a 'no net taxes paid, no vote' rule. Never mind voter ID; to vote you gotta be paying for what gets done. That'd disenfranchise the welfare crowd, the illegals, a lot of the low effort freeloaders immediately. At least half of the Democrat constituency.

  2. It's only been a couple of years, and you've already forgotten the history of the Afghan war. While the US did leave some equipment behind, the great majority of it was in the hands of the Afghan Army, which we trained and equipped. And the Taliban did not use the equipment to win the war, they had already won it, and were advancing on Kabul. The Afghan Army was collapsing, and the US negotiated an embarrassing ceasefire so that it could leave. The manner of leaving was disgraceful and cowardly, but that is the character of the modern US military: incompetent, corrupt, cowardly, and disloya.

  3. Re the Canadian tax bill: How did you Canuks THINK you were going to pay for nationalized health care?


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...