Tuesday, August 6, 2024

What would you do if you found a bunch of blow?

The drugs were located on a beach in the Upper Keys Village of Islamorada. The Border Patrol said in a statement on X that the cocaine had a street value of more than $1 million. Cocaine found floating offshore or on the beach of the Keys is actually a common occurrence. During the last week of July, a diver hunting for spiny lobster found a kilo of cocaine in the ocean off the Upper Keys.
Last Tuesday, a person cleaning up trash near a seawall in Key Largo found a brick of cocaine, said Adam Linhardt, spokesman for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. In June, divers off Key Largo found what they initially thought to be a large pile of trash floating in about 100 feet of water. It turned out to be 25 kilograms of individually wrapped cocaine.


You will forgive me my naivete, but how the fuck can that have happened?



When pleasing the eye is as important as the function, 
we are capable of creating wondrous things...



Rosie O’Donnell claims that she purchased 100 “Kamala T-shirts,” and she vowed not to remove them until Vice President Kamala Harris is elected president.

That's what 'fighting for relevence' is all about...

Honest to god I can't imagine why anyone would ever choose 
to live in a hellish place like that.


That's just plain good, old-fashioned, to-the-point advertsing. Why aren't more ads like that anymore? Between celebrity endorsement from people we don't know to yellow emus trying to sell you life insurance, too much of what they throw at us is garbage these days.


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  1. I would never do cocaine, even though I love the way it smells.

  2. There was probably TWO million bucks worth of blow. Giving half to the authorities insured that there would not be further attention paid to this matter.

  3. Back in the late 70's bales of Columbian Gold would wash up off of Darian GA. The bales had 3 five kilo mini bales that were wrapped in thick plastic. Usually one of the mini bales would be damp with sea water. The wet Gold could be used for brownies.


And an Archie comic that eludes me, also...

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