Thursday, August 1, 2024

Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. Or something like that...

 You been tellin' me you're a genius since you were seventeen.
In all the time I've known you I still don't know what you mean.
The weekend in the college didn't turn out like you planned.
The things that pass for knowledge I can't understand...

It's almost impossible for me to believe that that song came out 52 years ago. Driving from NJ to Shawnee, Oklahoma back then in my buddy's French Simca POS and this is on the radio somewhere in western Pennsyltucky and we're all singing along, stoned to the gills and Frankie thinks the lyrics are 'Are you reeling in the yeast, throwing away the charms'. 
52 years ago and it seems like only yesterday. Jeez...
We had a little going-away party the night before we left for Shawnee. That's me on the left, Frankie on the right and my then-girlfriend Nancy Martinez in the middle. My god she was beautiful. And also batshit fuckin' crazy...


Yeah - perspective's a bitch, ain't it?


Egypt's Olympic volleyball duo defiantly competed fully-clothed in the 
Paris game before slamming the county's hijab ban for French athletes. Images of Egyptian athletes Marwa Abdelhady and Doaa Elghobashy sporting an all back outfit and hijab, playing against bikini-clad Liliana Fernandez Steiner and Paula Soria Gutierrez of Spain have gone viral for their stark contrast in competition gear.
Following Egypt's 2-0 loss to Spain, the pair were seen embracing in their long-sleeve top, leggings, and headscarf while the Spanish duo celebrated their victory in a tight red bikini and matching sun visor.
The bold move comes after France banned their team members from wearing hijabs, with the country's sports minister, Amelie Oudea-Castera, saying the move was made to help respect principles of secularism. But despite this, Abdelhady and Elghobashy took to the volleyball court in their religious head-covering and later condemned the ban.


Let's hope this little hickup is only temporary...

Did you catch the face plant? Ouch...


Saturday Evening Post, September, 1956

Meanwhile, at my favorite local watering hole, they have the obligatory big screen TV's behind the bar...
And this being The Villages and all - the so-called center of the golf universe here in Florida with some crazy number over 700 holes of golf within the development - the TV's are on either the golf channel or golf network or whatever the fuck it is or whatever tournament is going on that day, but for the most part, golf is on the TV's most of the time. At least until I get there and at least one of the TV's (the one in front of my stool, of course) immediately goes to MLB and stays there. There's only one thing more boring than playing golf, and that's watching it on TV. 'Nuff said...

Here's a great idea for a gift that's 
both elegant and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!

There but for the Grace of God go I. 
I can't say it too many times or too emphatically that I feel 
absolutely blessed having been born when I was and in to the society I was. Looking back, I doubt I'd change a thing. Okay, maybe that one thing that involved getting involved with Nancy, but that's another story for another time. Maybe.




  1. Golf spelled backwards is FLOG and that's what it does to one's senses.

  2. Jeff "Skunk" Baxter--

  3. "getting involved with Nancy" - I believe we have all had one of those. Mine was Amy.

  4. Turning 66 this year and so happy for the amazing life, music, everything Joe. I love your blog and style and respect you as the elder bro I never had. I got dealt the 4 younger sister shitty hand yet married well and have 3 awesome sons. All the best Joe! Spiro

  5. WHAT?!? What?! Some history about Nancy coming up, RIGHT!?


What - a doll...