Saturday, August 17, 2024

This DNC should actually be fun to watch... reported this morning that The Garland Building, located at Wabash Avenue and Washington Street (pictured above), was adorned by plywood sheets and two-by-fours on Friday - as were several other buildings in the Loop on Friday. One business owner, who said he's no stranger to looting and smash-and-grab burglaries, decided to take precautions as well.
“You get that phone call in the middle of the night and your heart jumps out of your chest," Scott Schapiro, the owner of Syd Jerome, a menswear shop at 20 N. Clark St., said. Schapiro said he had to pick up the pieces four separate times after his shop was hit by looters and vandals.
"We want to sleep a little more soundly at night, and this gives us a little security, and we hope that there isn’t any incident obviously, but in the event there is, we want to have maximum protection," he explained.

Jerome said his shop will remain open for business and it'll continue to operate during the week of the DNC - under 'fortified measures'. If things were to get out of control, he isn't afraid to close up shop temporarily.


  1. The new nazis are marching against the Jews in Chicago because the democrats are there to...? The democrats already appointed someone.

  2. Message to Scott Schapiro:
    Hire yourself some rooftop Koreans.

  3. "and we hope that there isn’t any incident obviously, but in the event there is, we want to have maximum protection".

    Rubber-band guns he means.

  4. Got the popcorn ready along with several different beverages for the show.

  5. '68 - when half the democrats were still klan members -
    & fact check this one kiddos


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...