Saturday, August 3, 2024

Think sitting at red lights is a waste of your time? It is - run the fuckers...

How long do we spend sitting at red lights? "It can get pretty 
aggravating, when we travel to and from work every day, that wait time adds up," said somebody somewhere. 
Just how much does it add up? We actually spend 142 hours, 4.7 months, of our lives behind the wheel waiting at red lights. And it costs American drivers $8.6 billion each year.


  1. I've run a few and today, I just turned around. I didn't Have to go there, I was just goofing off. I was lucky..

  2. Which is it? 142 hours, which is just shy of 6 days, or 4.7 months, which is 141 days or just over 3300 hours? Either way, it’s too damn long.


What - a doll...