Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Settle this argument for us, once and for all...

Personally, I think she was great and super sexy. 
Babs thinks otherwise...

This is a colorized (by me) photo still from the Preston Sturges 1941 classic 'The Lady Eve' - one of my all-time favorite old flicks. That dress she's wearing was made/designed by Edith Head. A classy outfit for sure. 
Anyway, me and my wife have this argument every time I'm watching a movie with her in it. I think she was funny as hell and a really good actress - and really, REALLY attractive. My wife thinks she was a dog. This argument will not end well. Is this kinda shit acceptable as grounds for a divorce?


  1. Barbara Stanwyck wasn't stunningly gorgeous, but she was certainly attractive; but what comes across on-screen is her smoldering-sexiness, rather like hot lava always on the verge of erupting and setting fire to everyone nearby, and her acting was first-rate. My favorite one of her roles was in Titanic opposite Clifton Webb.

  2. I'm with you.

  3. Sorry, Joe, I definitely on side with your wife. Even in my overly hormonal years, I would not have plowed her with your tool. Major aversion for me....

  4. Missy played a lot of bad girls, so a lot of women didn't like her (my mom for one). She was slender and not a raving (Ava Gardner) beauty. Her sex appeal was all her own making; she was going to steal every man she could and she knew how.

  5. Really attractive? That is definitely up for debate. That voice definitely is not. Manly sounding. I remember her from the Big Valley and it may refer to her private part.

  6. Her only role that I remember well was as the matriarch in "Big Valley". She was about 59 in the first season, and, IIRC, played the role as a former great beauty, who had not been able to entirely preserve her looks as she aged, but substituted command presence to stay at the center of everyone's attention.

    Her younger pictures look pretty good, but she seems to have evoked reactions from men that exceeded her looks. I guess that she knew how to reach our greatest sex organ - the brain.

  7. Oh, she was an excellent actress, had a much sexier voice than 'cigarette' voice Lauren Bacall, and was smoking hot for most of her adult life. And apparently sarcastically funny.

    She played a lot of bad girls.

    Would I love to have met her at pretty much any age if I was the same or near the same age (and I was single?) Oh, hell yes.

    The only thing going against her is she was short. I prefer taller broads, but, again, if given half a chance, oh hell yeah.

  8. Growing up I knew her as Victoria Barkley. Only later did I discover her big-screen accomplishments. As others mentioned, I don't consider her to have the facial beauty of Lana Turner or Hedy Lamarr, but I do think she has a smouldering sensuality that absolutely cannot be ignored. I imagine she could get a man to do anything she wanted him to do.

  9. She was adored by the cast of Big Valley and others she worked with. didn't seem to be a prima donna like others.
