Monday, August 12, 2024

Is it possible that I'm the only sane person left in the world?

 Did you see that Olympics closing ceremony shitshow 
last night? I did - it was pretty fuckin' stupid, wasn't it?

I've never been a disciple of interpretive dance, but that crazy blue-man dance troupe mindless jumpin' around for no reason thing was genuinely friggin' bizarre, including that golden traveller spikey lookin' muthafucker. WTF was that all about? Maybe I'm just non open-minded or enlightened enough to grasp crazy shit like that. There were articles and reports all over the world citing 'devil worship' and 'satanic rituals' so I guess maybe it's not just me.
Oh, and Tom Cruise? Ya really need to stop doing shit like that. Yer just not impressing anybody but a bunch of old ladies, so...

Believe it or not, kids in Florida public schools go back to school starting today. Growing up, we never went back to school until well after Labor Day weekend at the very least. How 'bout you guys?



Lieutenant Colonel John Kolb, the man who would take over 
Walz's unit after he quit in 2005, has obliterated him for claiming the rank of Command Sergeant Major and for retiring before deployment to Iraq. Kolb wrote in a Facebook post that Walz 'did not earn the rank' and added that 'it is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps'...




My wife says this is AI/CGI shit.
I disagree. Wudda you think?

 Imagine them trying something like this today...

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!

The meme is like six years old,
but it's still pretty funny...


Gee, Joe. I'm sorry to hear that. We had no idea...




  1. Like you I remember school starting after Labor day. Nowadays schools start earlier in the year but time off has increased around traditional holiday periods. Thanksgiving break went from Thursday to Sunday, to the entire week and the following Monday in places. Check your schools web page to find the school calendar to see how you local district gets to the mandatory days of classes for your state.

  2. photo immediately post-Ian (or one of the others)
    Palms don't do all that well with submerged roots (particularly in salt water)
    but, overall, I agree with you


I'm not here, but Calvin is...