Thursday, August 22, 2024

In the midst of DNC craziness, a heart-warming story of found valor...

From news sources - A New Jersey woman whose uncle bravely fought in World War II got her late relative’s long-lost Purple Heart back after the award was spotted at a Texas flea market earlier this summer.
Margarita Manhardt, 88, reunited with loved one George Arthur Cerrito’s military decoration that he earned in 1945 after he suffered a traumatic brain injury while fighting in Europe. When the medal was lost track of in the early 2000s, the family thought they’d never see it again.
An Air Force veteran purchased the Purple Heart after she noticed it at the Texas flea market with the intent of shipping it to Purple Hearts Reunited, whose mission is to connect lost military medals with veterans and their families. “I’m filled with joy at receiving this plaque and his medals and the memorabilia. I’m overwhelmed with joy,” Manhardt said. This is the organization that brought the medal back to her family. Take a look by clicking on this screen cap:

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