Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I'd call this the 'How hard will hit you' protest...

A group of terrorist-loving scumbag 'Gaza protesters' were allowed to effectively shut down a busy Los Angeles freeway on Tuesday morning, causing traffic to back up for miles. The 405 Freeway southbound lanes re-opened only after protesters were dragged off the highway by police, who took several people into custody. No injuries were reported, unfortunatley. The demonstration was "in protest of US support for Israel's assault on Gaza", according to a statement from the organisers.
There's a number of very good reasons why I keep a bat between the front seats of my truck. This kinda shit is certainly in the top three of the reasons. I would not hesitate to clock one or more of these mask-wearing jerkoffs. Juss' sayin'...


  1. If you carry a bat , make sure you have aball and glove. Having just a bat is premetitated.

  2. Take action personally and get hit with both criminal and civil prosecution. That's why this kind of "I'd smack 'em" stuff is laughable. What IS needed is for the state to round them ALL up and charge with something expensive - which won't happen, at least now. Or, perhaps an equally effective approach, the state clears out and doesn't protect the protesters, at which point a mob of a few hundred could administer some retribution AND REMAIN ANONYMOUS. The problem is that the law and state are behaving asymmetrically, protecting the thugs and prosecuting the individuals harmed if they take action. There was a case in Tennessee in the 40s where a mob of citizens dealt with a rogue administration; nobody saw nothing, and it was impossible to prosecute. That's what's needed here.

  3. They are lucky I left California in 96 as I would have not stopped on the freeway.

  4. get a couple of tear gas cans from amazon and save yourself the trouble. I keep 2 in my truck just in case.
    works like a bug spray can. press the tab down and toss it at them.

  5. It should be legal to run over people who are preventing you from making a living or helping others make a living.

  6. Sorry but at this point I don't think I could resist the urge to stomp on the gas.

  7. Just keep a ball and glove with the bat in case someone asks questions.

  8. Looks like about six "protesters" ( AKA, "useless idiots" ) - that's all it took to disrupt the lives of thousands of people ????

    Too bad it's LA - up North, a pickup with a snowplow would clear that up in seconds !

  9. jaywalkers,4 WD drives and 400 hp is a bad mix. i didn't see them in the hwy, they came out of nowhere- prove me wrong.
    i had to drive back and forth several times to make sure everyone was alright.


The Manson Family versus Animal House? Really?

There is a really funny - and quite indepth - article on this very subject here: