Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How far in the tank can CNN go before it drowns itself? They're banging a zero on the 'Fair and Honest Meter'...

Calling this guy a 'conservative republican' is like calling Benedict Arnold a true patriot. Take a look at this report and watch the almost gleeful face on that scarecrow on the left as she announcing this 'blockbuster' news.. How do they even stay on the air?
God, how I hate TV and cable news. All of 'em, even FOX sometimes. If it wasn't for Jesse Watters, I wouldn't watch any of it.


  1. Democrats are a special kind of stupid. They want us to be slaves but forget they will be in the same boat as the rest of us. They say it's for the children. But in reality their children will have no freedom.

  2. The idiot Lt. Gov down here in Georgia just did the same. I guess he just wanted to kill all of his hopes for getting elected in this state again. And who the hell cares about endorsements? Grow a brain for *&^% sake.

  3. CNN and MSM is dying. They are still trying to hold viewers while playing for the DNC and people are looking for truth not lies so the viewers are leaving.
