Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Does she or doesn't she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure...

Leave it to to report on where this poser stands - or doesn't stand - on any given issue, 'cuase we as fuck surely don't know. I guess it's whatever way the wind (or she) blows. So many people take this woman seriously. Doesn't that just scare the livin' fuck outtaya?

If you're old enough to remember this,
dirt has nothing on you age-wise...


  1. Harris' staff is giving her a list of things to now say she is for to get elected. They have told her she can change back after the election.

  2. I remember the commercial, but I can't recall the name of the wag who said "does she or doesn't she? It's nobody's dang business."

  3. I seem to remember dirt being around when that ad was current! LOL

