Thursday, August 29, 2024

Captain, my Captain, who's running my ship?

Friend of mine here in The Villages is a retired master chief petty officer (E9) who was  in for 33 years. He was stationed on the Carrier Enterprise during his last tour - one of three E9's on the ship, and when I asked what they did, he said that he ran the ship, but let the Captain steer it.
Helluva funny guy. Can you imagine what his pension is? 
It's six figures at least.





While testifying to a Federal Trade Commission attorney Tuesday, Kroger's Senior Director for Pricing Andy Groff said the grocery giant had raised prices for eggs and milk beyond inflation levels.
Let me say just one thing about this issue. It is absolutely none of the government's business what anyone charges for anything, anywhere. Every time you hear someone like Kamaltoe talking about price-fixing and government regulations controlling pricing, you are one step closer to a communist society. We are - and have to remain - a free-market society. If we lose that, we lose everything...

I don't get it. Any ideas about this guys?


 Did I ever tell you guys about the day that I was at work when somebody (you know who)  found my stash of gummies while I was working? I came home and found this when I opened my closet door.


Here's a nice idea for a gift that's 
both elegant and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - and it comes to you with free shipping!

The deputy director of the CIA confirmed that the planned terrorist plot at Taylor Swift’s shows in Vienna earlier this month was intended to kill “a huge number” of people.
David S. Cohen revealed at the Intelligence and National Security Summit, as seen in a video on CSPAN, that the information Austrian authorities used to stop the terror plot from occurring was given to the CIA.
“They were plotting to kill a huge number, tens of thousands of people at this concert, I am sure many Americans,” Cohen said. “The Austrians were able to make those arrests because the agency and our partners in the intelligence community provided them information about what this ISIS-connected group was planning to do.”
One stupid, simple question from me - WTF would these people stand to gain by doing shit like this? I just don't get it...


That is if they even know what film is...



  1. Note the bull in the background? Apparently the clumps represent the droppings though in all my years, I've never seen clumps but I've seen a lot of cow pies.

  2. It's a parody of The Sound of Music, and since Harris spouts nothing but BS, especially with the message of JOY, the hills are pungent.

  3. The retired MCPO is making 75% of monthly pay of approximately $8600, not counting any disability pay.

  4. Yeah, not even close on the retirement pay for an E9. Military pay is by rank, not by what high profile jobs you may have had. An E9 is an E9 is an E9. His retirement pay is probably around 80000 a year, before taxes. That is only speaking about his basic pay, and is a very rough estimate. There might be other amounts he is receiving, but they are not from his basic pay rate as an E9.

  5. " WTF would these people stand to gain by doing shit like this? "
    They were very unhappy losing the Battle of Tours back on 10 October 732. Now that the greatest majority of "Western" men have become wussies, they see an easy opportunity (by infiltration and by buying politicians) to take over, not just Europe, but the entire Western world.

  6. 35mm film came in little metal containers prior to those plastic ones. Last saw a metal one 55 or 60 years ago.

  7. The Joy thing is marketing without having to actually say anything.

  8. After 33 years of serving his country, he probably deserves more. For the most part, all of us had the same choice he had but we choose a different path for different reasons. I don't begrudge him a dime of the retirement he earned -- even if he finds a way to double dip.

  9. I have a couple hundred of those film canisters & few hundred of the older aluminum screw too canisters too. I still use them sometimes.

  10. "Who's running the country while Biden veges out on the beach?"
    The same faceless people that ran the country from 2001-2017 and 2021-present.
