Friday, August 16, 2024

Buying voters, one idiot at a time...

In a move reminiscent of Biden's student loan 'fprgivness' giveaway fiasco, Vice President Harris is set to announce a plan to 'lower housing costs' and end the housing shortage through the construction of new units and down payment support to first-time homebuyers, according to Harris-Walz campaign officials.
Harris’s “urgent and comprehensive four-year plan” will call for constructing 3 million new housing units, a tax incentive for homebuilders to construct “starter homes” to sell to first-time homebuyers and a $40 billion innovation fund for local governments to build housing.
The plan would also include $25,000 in down payment support for first-time homeowners. Home renters who paid their rent on time for two years and are buying their first home would be eligible for the down payment assistance.

What she doesn't understand (or is unwilling to say) is that will almost automatically drive UP the price of 'starter homes' by an equal or greater amount. I wonder if any the millenial morons that will buy in to this ever stayed awake during Econ101...


  1. Why is the price of an education at a college so expensive? Because the colleges know that they will get money from the government.
    Now layer that thinking on to the housing industry. You think the cost of homes is too high now!?!??! Wait, until cameltoe is in office. (yes, I said it, "when she is in office...") I think the fix is in. The country needs to "PREPARE TO DIVE!"

  2. Never had 3 million new housing starts in any year from 1968. That means more competition for all the construction materials, labor costs will skyrocket and the big question will be which states will see the bulk of the 40 billion. Remember that CA just built a place for homeless bodies and it's only 600,000 per unit.

  3. All this money from the left to encourage the building of new homes.
    And WHO do you think will protest 7*24 to stop the building of new homes?
    Yes. The left.

  4. And let's not forget the killing trees to build house.
    And who will protest 7*24?
    Yep, You've gotit.

  5. What’s the worse thing that can happen with helping first time homebuyers? The kids suddenly won’t be able to afford them and Blackrock will swoop in and buy them cheap. Then rent them for an exorbitant amount.

  6. The need to come up with the down payment is practice for being able to make the mortgage each month. Its an enforced discipline the general population desperately needs. Also, people who eagerly give away other peoples money somehow think they are virtuously generous. Odd, isn't it?


I'm not here, but Calvin is...