Tuesday, July 16, 2024

You only know what you want to know. Or something like that...

 'You know that I know that you know you're wrong'. 
Says both sides of any argument every time... 
Perspective's a motherfucker, we all know that. We see things pretty much only as we want to see them, and that's why it's so hard nowadays for anyone to agree to agree. It's become a damn-near impossibility to have any manner of reasonable discourse on any subject if it relates to politics. We've developed this kind of 'trench-warfare mentality' when it comes to what we think we know.

 Whatever facts may be to the contrary, we will dig our trenches and defend our beliefs (read 'what we want to believe') to the death. I kinda think it's always been this way - that this isn't something new to the world...




This ad mighta sold a coupla shirts to the glee club guys.
And why do they all look like Joe did with that spray tan?

According to this report in Newsweek, some supporters of Joe Biden have been accused of being "Blue MAGA" for their staunch defense of the president in the wake of the CNN debate. They go on to say that 'while there is no official definition for the term, Blue MAGA has been used to describe those who are fierce advocates of the so-called "vote blue no matter who" initiative and are not willing to criticize Democrats in any way'.
It's fascinating reading for a couple of reasons, not the least of which they (damn near all MSM) have turned the phrase 'Make America Great Again' it to a pejorative. As if American Greatness isn't something we should all aspire to. Juss' sayin'...

That fundraiser on GoFundMe is now up to nearly $ 5,000,000.00. 
If you want to kick in, it's here: 

I gotta be honest. This took me a while to get.

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 25.00 and that includes free shipping!

Rewatching the video of the shooting, I got a kick out of watching this guy 
who was fingering and 'Fuck You'-ing anybody and everybody. 
There's his 15 minutes, huh?


Yeah - took me a while on this one too...




  1. the guy with his middle finger stuck in the extended position might think about getting a blood test for increased growth hormone level; has his diastema been widening over the past couple years?

  2. The "Blue MAGA" sounds like people with TDS...

  3. Had to watch it a few times - was one of the agents ducking down to protect him, or hide behind him?


I'm not here, but...