Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Now Joe's pissed at Lester. Go figure...

Great interview, Joe, by the way. You nailed it. According to this report, President Joe Biden repeatedly pushed back at NBC's Lester Holt in an interview, bristling when taking yet another round of questions about his debate disaster. 
Their sometimes caustic exchange including Holt relaying concerns by congressional Democrats who said of his performance: 'frankly ... you appeared to be confused.'  'Why don’t you guys ever talk about the 18 – 28 lies he told? Twenty-eight times it’s confirmed he lied in that debate,' Biden told Holt.

Yeah - great comeback, Joe. Jeez - what are you, 12? He probably couldn't remember the rest of the 'I'm rubber, you're glue' saying. You know, the thing...

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On the beach in Port Noo