Friday, July 12, 2024

Nothing is sacred anymore. Now they're saying Honest Abe was a bone smuggler...

Now, why would anyone even want to do something this despicable? The Post - along with other sources - is saying that there is a new documentary 'coming out' that insists - not suggests, insists - that Lincoln was gay. Although that would help to explain his incredibly ugly wife, I find it not only hard to believe, but also just fuckin' mean spirited and wrong on so many levels. Besides who the fuck cares? The guy died and century and a half ago. 
If you really need to read more, it's here...

Here's a nice idea for a gift that's 
both elegant and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet.
There's just one in her shop and it's only $ 48.00 with free shipping!


  1. Who gives a rats ass if this is right. I seriously doubt it.

  2. The LGBQT crowd isn't content with just being left alone, they have to deteriorate society and contaminate history with their revisionism.

  3. The left's is still mad at him for taking away their slaves.

  4. The libtard cancel culture and the disgusting LGBTQ(xyz) turds have to shove their moral less crap down the throats of the rest of the Bible-thumping, God-fearing, gun toting MAGA Republicans.

  5. Some dickweed tried the same thing with poor old Franz Schubert back in 1907, claiming he had died of syphilis and therefore HAD to have been gay, because of course damned near everybody is deep down, whether they admit to it or not. And just never you mind that every symptom Schubert is known to have had completely refutes the syphilis fairy tale, the idjit. To this day there are still a few bush-league nitwits who believe it's true, most likely because they so desperately WANT it to be true, being bent the rump-ranger way their damned selves.

  6. This one goes back 50 years. Considering what a statist he was, it fits right in (insert punchline).

  7. Years ago I read a story where a similar thing happened to Thomas Jefferson where some pro-homo person reads an old diary or manuscript that makes reference to another man sleeping with another man, in this case a "president", etc. (even though I believe Jefferson used Monticello as the WH). I am not sure that is what is taking place with the Lincoln story. The White House in the early days was a house where the president lived and conducted a portion of the nation's business. It was not the fortress of today that is off limits to most. In those days, the WH was not near as luxurious as it is today. It was drafty and cold, as were most houses of the day, and there was wasn't a lot of beds so at times, people slept together for the sake of "warmness" and comfort or that was the case with the account of Jefferson and possibly could be here since the article seems to be based on the premise that Lincoln and his best friend Joshua speed were in fact queer simply because they "shared" a bed together.
    I am not a fan of Lincoln. History beyond the "kiddie" type and buzz phrase type will prove Lincoln was corrupt and tyrant (responsible for suspending habeas corpus, etc.).

  8. Funny, how the Left constantly tries to rewrite history to drag ( pun fully intentional ) all icons of the Right, or famous Republicans, into the circus tent under the rainbow banner .
    Because, of course, being gay is " natural" and "normal" . And, being dead, the subjects can't defend themselves - although, they can, and often do, vote for the Democratic candidate in many elections .

    But try to bring up any of the evidence of 0bama's gay lifestyle in the Chicago bathhouses, of question Big Mike's chromosomal stautus, and you're a target for all their hate and vitriol .


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...