Monday, July 15, 2024

I'm good with Vance as he pick. Burgum would not have been a good idea...

 I think it's only a given - barring extreme chicanery 
on the Dems part - that DJT has this in the bag...  

According to multiple news sources - including this one, the Republican National Convention officially nominated JD Vance as the party’s candidate for vice president today. The party “overwhelmingly” crowned Vance (R-Ohio) as the pick for vice president Monday, just after former President Donald Trump announced him as his VP pick.
“JD has had a very successful business career in Technology and Finance, and now, during the Campaign, will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post. He's a good choice. There's no threat of the Republicans losing a seat in the Senate because Ohio has a Republican Governor, who'll appoint someone to take his place, and he and DJT seem to be very like minded on most important issues.
The optics with Burgum, as good a Governor as he might be, would have been a problem. Having two billionaires on the ticket would have given the Dems an absolute field day in attacks. You know what I mean here. Rubio and Scott are both likeable guys, but I don't think either has the gravitas (great word, ain't it?) that this election calls for. Juss' sayin'...

Here's a nice  idea for a gift that's 
both attractive and inexpensive.
Grab it before someone else does...
Click on the picture for more information on this nice bracelet
There is one available in her store - and it comes with free shipping!


  1. Send in the Marines!!! OOO-RAH!!!

  2. "Coronated" WTF??? "Crowned" !! Get an editor- or anyway, someone who speaks standard english.

    1. agreed, or go back to Jersey where you belong
