Sunday, July 28, 2024

I'm glad I was born when I was, but I wish I was younger...

 Looks like the kids won't move out until they retire...  
According to a new report from the real estate website, there are now 237 cities in this country where the median price of a starter home is over $ 1,000,000.00 with the typical entry-level home in the US costs well over $200,000. How is a young couple just starting out ever going to be able to afford their first home of this trend continues? I bought my first house in West Orange, NJ back in 1981 for $ 14,500.00. It was a two-family up-and-down house that came with a $ 300.00-a-month tenant.


Despite being the least populated state in the United States, Wyoming tops the list as the state with the most guns per capita, with 245.8 firearms for every 1,000 residents.


I had never heard anything about this, but evidently, it's a big thing over in India if you have too much money and nothing better to do with it - putting bizarre shit on top of your house. And it's not normal kinda stuff. They put big liquor bottles, tanks, fish - all kinda crazy shit. Take a look at this article. It has a whole buncha pictures also...


Some guy did a little research and found that Word Sally Annie 
has used that same exact phrase 'unburdened by what has been' 
no less than 37 different times - and in different contexts.

A number of States in the northeast have done a 180 on Canada Geese - and, yes, that's their actual name, not Canadian Geese as I thought my whole life. The states have had laws forever that you couldn't shoot these flying shit machines because they were migratory. It turns out they ain't migratin' the way they usta, so now it's okay to shoot the honkin' fuckwads. Well played, guys...

Yeah - that's pretty much all they got with this one. It's not like she's some kinda huge policy mensch or economics scholar, but her voters don't give a shit about stuff like that. They gotta hate Orange Man - they'd vote for a fuckin' scorpion if it was running against DJT. Juss' sayin'...

Here's a great idea for a simple gift that's 
both elegant and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!


  1. If we are to be "unburdened by the past", why the hell keep living off the ghost of slavery?

  2. "Word Salad Annie"
    Stealing that...

  3. From what I've seen, 80+% of Americans are too stupid to do their own taxes. And they'd still be too stupid if it was made easier. First, they're too stupid to understand the tax code and regulations, and second, their math skills suck.
    The vast majority have virtually nothing they need to figure out to do their taxes ... standard deduction and a W-2. Maybe a 1099-int. And they can struggle with that.


That's all, folks...

...       ...     The number one most popular video on all of YouTube is  'Baby Shark Dance'. Seriously? Look at the numbers... It...