Sunday, July 7, 2024

He knows the cost of nothing and the value of nothing...

 It should actually be 'He knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing'...  

The price of Forever Stamps will increase by 5 cents from 68 cents per stamp to 73 cents per stamp starting next week - July 14, 2024, according to the U.S. Postal Service.
Whenever you hear talk abour Bidenflation, here's a tidbit for you that's rarely discussed. When he was sworn in to office, the price of a first-class postage stamp was 55 cents. As he is leaving office this coming January, the same stamp will cost no less than 73 cents. 
That is a 33 percent rate increase - just for a friggin' postage stamp - in less than four years. Is that factored in to inflation figures? Probably not. Worth noting though...

I don't know who she is but I like her sentiment.

Should be slamming the Texas coast around Brownsville some time
 tomorrow afternoon. Batten down them hatches, Kemosabe...



A second local radio host on Saturday told ABC News 
that he was provided a list of questions in advance of his 
interview with President Joe Biden this week.

As it turns out, consuming just one alcoholic beverage per day, whether it be a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a shot of your favorite whiskey, can shorten your lifespan by approximately two-and-a-half months, one jerkoff/expert says. According to a variety of semi-reputable news sources, Dr. Tim Stockwell, of the 'Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research', says that those who drink significantly more alcohol than that - about 35 or more a week (like me) - could slash two years off their lifespan. It’s a rude awakening for those who might like to unwind with a glass of pinot after a long day, or who frequent happy hours with friends or colleagues - but only if you buy in to this kinda bullshit. I have a question for him - how the fuck does that guy know how long I was going to live that he can say that? That's why I think people like him are jerkoffs. Juss' sayin'...

I still say that is the single greatest one-panel cartoon ever created.

Did your mother have any of these or is it just an Italian thing?


I wonder if they have any regrets when they wake up 
the next morning and watch the videos. Somehow, I doubt it...


Here's a nice  idea for a gift that's 
both attractive and inexpensive...
Click on the picture for more information on this nice bracelet
There is one available in her store - and it comes with free shipping!





  1. Ref the alcohol grandmother had at least one beer every day for (at least) the final 40 years of her life. On occasion, she'd also have a hot toddy or two. She passed about a month shy of 92.

  2. "Canadian Institute of Substance Abuse Research"..established about 2004 under another name; essentially a loose coalition of 'experts' who want to sound more important and scholarly than they are. Replicability of their work? Unknown, but probably < 50%, maybe worse than that. So, yeah, it's bullshite.

  3. i would not ever hang out with a person that showed up at a BBQ or a mud bog with a bottle of pinot unless it was for target practice. you really, REALLY need to go back to Jersey where you belong, among your own kind.

  4. Anybody have a clue?What this guy is talking about?

  5. Ruby glass was a gas station give-away when I was a kid (I think; I was too young to drive), or we wouldn't have had any around. My folks were like that. Also sherbet glasses that started out with peanut butter in them...

    Vaseline glass is the one to watch out for (pukey pale yellow). The glass was doped with uranium, "which was the the style at the time"

  6. Sally Mann reference, I don't think you'd like her. She's a pedo who's photographic claim to fame was posing and shooting her children in the nude. At least one grown daughter is suing the whore for ruing her life.


I still have more 'Archie out of context'...

...     Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a nice idea for a simple gift that she'd really appreciate...        Click ...