Sunday, July 28, 2024

Any of you guys in to classic old pocket watches?

 This watch was my father's grandfather's...

The watch was made in 1855. I know all about the family legacy shit and all that, but I've had this thing in my jewelry box for 30+ years now, and it's time for someone who might really appreciate it to take it. It works when it's wound. That's the amazing thing - 170 years old and it still works. Check out this listing:

1 comment:

  1. This museum in Waltham Mass. has a lot of the tools from the watch trade that flourished many a year back here.

    They have lathes(for metal)that are no larger then your thumb with multi wheel speeds to make some of the tiny parts in watches,have always wondered how the first lathes were made with no miny lathes ect.!


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?