Tuesday, June 11, 2024

They keep forgetting - 'payback's a bitch...'

 The New Jersey AG is threatening to pull the liquor licenses at DJT's three gold courses there...  
Donald Trump’s three golf courses in New Jersey could be going dry. The New Jersey state’s attorney general is weighing whether to pull Trump’s liquor licenses after he was found guilty by a jury of 34 felony counts, Forbes reported Monday.
According to the report:, someone from the AG's office is quoted as saying:  “Trump is the sole owner of three golf courses in New Jersey that have active liquor licenses, according to the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. New Jersey law prohibits issuing a liquor license to anyone who has been convicted of a crime ‘involving moral turpitude.’ A state handbook explains that those sorts of crimes typically involve ‘dishonesty, fraud or depravity’ severe enough to typically be punishable by more than a year in prison.”
All of the shit they accuse him of they are guilty of in the first place. They say he'll be a 'tyrant' when that's exactly what they are. This is vindictiveness as plain as the nose on your face. The little-dick petty motherfuckers. Juss' sayin'...

What's not to love about living in Florida?



Steven Tyler is another one of those asshole rockers 
who - if they were on fire in front of me - I'd 
piss in the opposite direction. Juss' sayin'...



More banning bullshit from Fakebook on my doorstep...

They keep on fucking with me. Do they not understand that not only does that website have zero value, that it actually is harmfull in so many ways? They're harping on the most innocent shit imaginable - and it was five fuckin' years ago. Enough already...

My wife thought this was funny...


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift
that's both elegant and affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Consider yourself Rick-rolled...

That musta been that day he had no good ideas...



Your neighbor up the street who drives the Tesla finally invites you and the Missus over for cocktails on Saturday. When you go in to the lanai you see this book sitting on the cocktail table with a bookmarker halfway through. What do you do? I say ya drink the guy's booze and, while your there, ya ask to use the head. When ya go in, piss on the guest towels. Well, that's what I would do - you do whatever YOU think is appropriate...




  1. Rick Reilly is a bum (surprised he's still around)...obvious he's desperate to stay relevant after SI went town the toilet. Now...Rick-Rolled Rick was something like 17 when he did that, the backstory is great and later in life, still making music and producing. His pal Rick-Rolled him, he had no idea.

    Right there you have two sides of life, one is angst-driven wallowing in their own self-loathing while the other is fun and happiness.

  2. Those 51 intel "experts" have proven that they are never to be treated seriously again. Hacks. Probably managerial/admin types who can only parrot what they are told by the true professionals, reading from a script like Biden. If they don't fit that description, they'd be coming forward with mea culpas and apologies. These people are why we can't have a nice country.

  3. Plenty of reasons to not live in Florida but I won't mention any so as not to offend the transplants & invaders. Hell, I don't even like to go over there for work.

    1. Yep. And especially so as not to encourage them to leave, 'cause if they do, they gotta go somewhere.....
