Saturday, June 8, 2024

Start the day with a smile and it's all downhill from there...

 But if your objective is to get up the hill, should you 
start the day grumpy? Asking for a friend...  


This is the kind of thing that forces me to use the word 'spurious' in discussion. 
The claim itself is stupid (or spurious) because that 'live comfortably' thing is interpretive and you have know idea what the fuck they mean by it. Everybody everywhere has a different comfort level, don't they? We keep our A/C in the house set somewhere around 83/84 during the day here, but I know people who keep theirs at 71. By my thinking they could hang meat in their living rooms at that temperature. Ya follow?



How many words are there in that statement - 6 or 8?

I gotta keep saying that polls are pretty fuckin' worthless at any point 
of anything that's contestible. I especially don't believe polls from certain pollsters because you know they're skewed from the git-go. RCP at least takes a collection of polling data from a variety of sources and mashes it all together. That's the only reason I'd even bother posting them.






There was a whole bunch of very good reasons -  from Day One - to hate everything about that whole 'Jersey Shore MTV' nonsense, not the least of which was that not one single fuckin' person on that show was actually from New Jersey - most of them were street trash from Staten Island. I find it impossible to believe they're still on the air in some jerkoff form or another.


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!

Just goes to show you how fuckin' stupid some of these over-sensitive, 
over-triggered lib idiots can be. Ya wanna slap him in the face? Go right ahead - but keep the friggin' money, you jackasses. Jeez.


1 comment:

  1. I have to call BS on the GA amount to live comfortably. If you are in metro Atlanta $210+ is about right if you have a mortgage. Everywhere else in the state it is half of that or less except for Athens and Savannah.
