Friday, June 7, 2024

So there's Marine who's married to a good looking babe, right? But the babe usta be a guy. My world is absofuckinlutely upside down...

This pageant just crowned a winner who used to be a guy. I may repeat myself on that. 'Bailey Anne', the newly crowned Miss Maryland USA, joined DC News Now on Wednesday. She is the first 'trans woman' to hold the coveted title, along with being the first Asian-American and military officer’s wife to represent the state.
And you wonder why kids today are as fucked up and confused as they are? The 'husband' is a Marine Officer and his 'wife' used to be a guy. I wonder what kinda salutes that bad boy gets. Jeez. The full story is here. I best not say any more or I'll lose my blog.

Someone you know is going to be
 celebrating a birthday or anniversary
 soon. Why not buy her this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping. There's only one left!


  1. I want to puke. A tranny "married" to a friggin' Marine officer? Who is the idiot and who is disgusting? They both are!!!

  2. I’m sure the entire USMC is so very proud of this
    Holy smokes.

  3. Please stop. That is STILL A MAN, regardless of what he now claims to be or pretends to look like. Do not play into their word bastardization.

  4. My Dad was a Marine in WW2 and was wounded severely on Okinawa after Island Hopping for over 2 years. I am glad he has died of old age and not heard what has happened to the Marines as he would he heartbroken.


Hiding in plain sight (sorta) ain't all it's cracked up to be anymore. Especially in Lebanon...

Guess they threw a coupla bunker busters at that fat fuck  while he was taking a dump. Can you imagine how loud that was? The bigger problem...