Thursday, June 6, 2024

Reflecting on history is important - but will your grandchildren understand why?

 With the ever-increasing alarmist mindset people have today, 
they'll end up being afraid of everything and never know 
what a true threat is...  

Eighty years ago today, the Americans, British and Canadians stormed the beaches of Normandy in the largest amphibious invasion of Europe since the Persian king Xerxes invaded Greece in 480 B.C.
About 160,000 troops landed on five Normandy beaches and linked up with airborne troops in a masterful display of planning and courage. 
Within a month, almost a million Allied troops had landed in France and were heading eastward toward the German border. Within 11 months, the war with Germany was over.



I like the sub headline 'Pope gives thanks Rome was spared'
I think even Hitler musta knew fucking with God 
wasn't such a great idea. Juss' sayin'...


Six years ago I posted a cute picture of some kids standing on boxes 
to see over a wooden fence. One of them was a girl, and one kid was using a stick to lift up the back of her skirt. She had no underwear on. It was cute. It was funny. It was innocent humor. But not to Fakebook. They deemed it 'childhood sexual exploitation' and banned me from posting or interacting for two days. It was six years ago that I posted it. 
I guess they have some kinda new AI shit that's going back through all the posts to find stupid shit. Could imagine doing something like that for a living - and thinking you're doing something important? 
What the kids did on D-Day was important. Get a grip.



You know someone who's going to be
 celebrating a birthday or anniversary
 soon. Why not buy this for her?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a perfect gift and the price includes free shipping. 


Why was it called 'D-Day'? For no specific reason - but i
was common practice in the military to make plans that used the term, where the D stands for the day when operations commenced. Relative dates like D-1 for the day before a campaign and D+1 for the day after it started were also used. Military planners also set H-hour, the time at which a plan was to begin.


This documentary is an hour long, but if you have the time, it has some 
serious video of the invasion. It's a British production, so you might 
not have seen much of it.

Even Snoopy contributed something to our memories of that day.

It's amazing how innocent those times were also...




  1. It seems the technology allows FB to go to great lengths in retraining you think correctly!

  2. In the Pacific, because there were so many landings, particularly by Army troops in MacArthur's theater, there were A-Days, X-, Y-, and Z-Days.

  3. My father flew a Horsa Glider full of troops into France on this Day in 1944...first group in.
    He was a better man than I.

  4. As bad as FB is, check out the doodle that Google chose to use to commemorate D-Day .

    Disgusting .


And an Archie comic that eludes me, also...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...   Click on the picture for more information...