Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Perspective IS a bitch...

There are children being born this very moment whose parents 
were not alive when Shrek came out in 2001...  

We tend to not realize how fast time flies by...

Jayne Mansfield was never nominated for an Academy Award, though she once played violin in an orchestra performance at the Oscars. 
Here she's pictured posing with shapely hot water bottle 'likenesses' floating around her in her pool. This photo was taken in 1957 - she was 24 and  I was three years old. I'm 70 now.


Mercury 7 blasted off 62 years ago on Feb. 20, 1962
I was nine years old and watched the takeoff on my grandmother's Dumont TV in her house in Belleville, NJ. It was on a Tuesday, and my father had let me skip school that day fearing that I wouldn't be able to see the launch, because the catholic school I went to didn't have TV's in the classrooms. He thought my watching what he considered an historic event was more important than anything I might have learned in class that day.



This song (and the video) came out in 1976. There are 
the same number of years between then and now - 48 years - 
as there are between 1928 and 1976.




You know someone who's going to be
 celebrating a birthday or anniversary
 soon. Why not buy her this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a perfect gift and the price includes free shipping. 

Data from Georgia-Pacific, maker of the Angel Soft and Quilted Northern brands, shows that the average American household —  2.6 people —  uses about 409 rolls of toilet paper a year. The company estimated that people used about 40% more toilet paper than usual if when they spent all their time at home during the COVID pandemic. The panic started five years ago. And before I move on, let me say again - the so-called COVID vaccines were not vaccines at all...

Pepsi very nearly won its bitter battle to take over from Coca-Cola as America's number one soda in the 1980s. But now it has slipped behind Dr Pepper - which is now in second spot. Coke, of course, is still well out in the lead.
As recently as 20 years ago, Dr Pepper's sales were under half those of Pepsi. At the time, one in nine sodas bought in the US were Pepsi, and Dr Pepper was only the sixth most popular behind Sprite.

Pharmacist Charles Alderton is credited with inventing Dr Pepper in 1885 at Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas. Alderton created the drink by blending fruit flavors after noticing that customers were tired of the same old flavors. He first offered it to the store's owner, Wade Morrison, who liked it and put it on the soda fountain menu. Customers loved it too, and soon began asking for "a Waco".

FRISBEE was the most popular new toy in 1954.

This picture that I posted earlier this mornning is Barbara Stanwyck 
in an Edith Head-designed gown from the movie 'The Lady Eve'. The movie also starred Henry Fonda and was written and directed by Preston Sturgess. It came out in 1941 just before WWII broke out. That was 83 years ago. Jeez...



  1. That vaccine graphic is a good find!

  2. I remember when John Glenn went up too. I was 11 years old and living in Orlando, Fla. They let us out of class to watch the smoke trail left when it launched from Cape Canaveral.

  3. One of my favorite movies.

  4. It's fun telling cola snobs that 'if you can taste the difference between colas, you're drinking too much cola.'

  5. Seems to me I just saw something about the MMR efficacy: mumps portion was substantially less effective than the other two. CDC says 78% after 1st dose, but some studies are at around half that (and who ya gonna trust?). That's not to say it's worthless- the flu vax is routinely around 50% or less effective. And the posted chart may well be accurate, as it reports cases, not effectiveness. But- ymmv. ALL of this stuff from "the authorities" has a clear agenda, and we've seen how the full story isn't told. Be sure you're willing to take the individual risk of any vaccine for the good of the population as a whole. That includes the individual risk of NOT taking it, too. The "authorities" swear there's no link to autism. But the same "authorities" -CDC, Mayo, NIH- pretty much straight up lied about covid from start to finish. Given the severe risks of adult mumps, and the fact that the MMR predates and doesn't use the more recent technology, it's probably worth the risk in childhood. Probably.

  6. Here in Texas, Dr Pepper is King of the Colas. There is a variant made with real cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. That's my favorite.
