Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mid-day baseball insignifica that's actually significant...

The number of bunt hits in MLB has been declining since 2003, and has remained in the 300s since the pandemic-shortened 2020 season. Some say that bunting is no longer a priority and is considered less effective than swinging away in most situations. Others say that the decline is justified by statistics showing that bunting is suboptimal in typical game situations, but that it will remain part of baseball for lopsided late-game matchups. 

The widespread adoption of analytics in the early 2010s may have also contributed to the decline.

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  1. Statistically the bunt is a bad play. Most times somebody gets an out. The same goes for stealing a base.

  2. Players get paid more to swing, not bunt. Swinging put asses and viewers at games.

    Money is also behind the decline in base running games.

    Games back 50 years ago were a lot more active and exciting, at least to me. Modern games are boring.


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