Monday, June 10, 2024

Living in HOA-governed community can suck. Now it sucks less. A lot less...

Ya know, I laugh almost constantly at the screwy laws they pass in New York and Califonicatia. Here in Florida, we do things a little different. Our lawmakers pass legislation that eases the burden on working-stiff homeowners like me. A bill the Governor signed last week is a perfect example.
According to this very-well written article at, on 1 July, there will be unprecedented new curbs on the power and excesses of HOAs, the ultra-local panels of government that decide what color your front door should be, and how clean you need to keep your mailbox, in pursuit of high standards of maintenance and aesthetics.

No more can residents be cited or fined for trivial transgressions, like leaving their trash cans out beyond collection day, or having holiday lights and decorations still hanging long after the last visitors have returned home – at least without 14 days’ written notice, a hearing and appeals. 
Thank you Governor. Here in the Villages a while back, the HOA tried to fine one of my neighbors for having a tiny white cross in her garden. She got so upset over their actions she eventually moved back to Minnesota. That's a terrible thing to do to someone. No one should ever be made to move back to VikingLand once they've escaped. Juss' sayin'...

Here's a nice idea for a simple 
birthday or anniversary gift...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. Without those trivial transgressions the HOA will end up bankrupt. These are what keep the HOA's alive. Wy someone would willingly move into one of the tyrants neighborhoods is a mystery.

  2. Neal Boortz used to refer to HOAs as "The Last Bastions of Tyranny."

  3. Hey now! she probably missed the season changes, you know, winter and construction. MN Res


A typical (or is it?) conversation about 'higher powers' on Fakebook...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informati...