Monday, June 10, 2024

Do you like loud pipes on cars? If so, then I hate to tell you...

I've said it a thousand times - I gotta figure a way to get in to this whole 'study' business. There must be great money invloved somewhere. Like in this case, where a study was done that shows those who enjoy loud exhaust systems tended to be male, with high scores for sadism and psychopathy. 
Commissioned by professor Julie Aitken Schermer, who was curious about what kind of person would want a car that's louder than normal, the study surveyed 529 business students.
It's a real McCoy actual report. It's here: 
You know a special someone who's going to 
be celebrating a birthday or anniversary
 soon. Why not buy this for her?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a perfect gift and the price includes free shipping. 


  1. As a motorcycle rider I'd love to make the same statement about some fellow riders.

    1. Yeah, what's with the Freaking loud Harleys? Although I have to admit, there's a guy down the road with one, and he drives by every day (when it's not raining hard) going to work at the Mill, just about the time I need to get up and go to work myself. Alarm Harley.

  2. Just need to figure a bull shit reason to ask for a grant. Government gives out all kinds of grants. You find one, compete for it via paper work showing how you are going to do the study. Ask for an amount and if uncle sugar likes it, bingo, you get bucks to do the study. Initials after the name or membership in some order or other or government function.willmove you up the ladder.
