Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dissolving the 'Squad' one member at a time...

First they got rid of Bowman, Ilhan's in hot water over her husbands' weed business (can you imagine what kind of jackwagon he is to have married her?) and now dear Cory looks like she might headed for the (s)crapyard. 

Hopefully, the way they've lined up behind each other in over-the-top progressive, eveything-green craziness, they'll fall like a stack of dominos - one at a time but not nearly fast enough...


  1. well, it not like they helping the country out or anything. I bet they more pissed about losing the money and power they had while in "congress" . they going to lose a lot of "perks" they got used too while doing nothing really special for anyone
    but themselves. seems to me, that they will yell the loudest for whoever pays them too.

  2. Yeah, but the guy beating her is running ads saying that he is just as liberal. He is one of those woke Soros prosecutors.



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