Tuesday, June 11, 2024

But I thought climate change waas drying up the lakes...

All the tree huggers are bitching and moaning about lakes and rivers drying up but it just is not true - In fact it's the opposite. Go figure. 
Here's the State of Utah's report on current conditions of the Great Salt Lake:

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  1. There would be ample water if 50-60 million illegals were deported.

  2. It's called variability. Seasonal. Year-to-year. Decadal. 200 years ago there was no "Lake Mead." Think of how much water cut the Grand Canyon and compare that to the trickle that runs through it now. Humans are emotionally incapable of understanding how much change occurs naturally. If it isn't within our own personal experience base, we scream "Crisis!" Our planet experience multiple climate cycles, some over multiple millennia, some longer. We are idiots.

  3. I'm guessing the enviro-weinies would simply say the melting glaciers and icecaps are the reason why the levels are increasing.

  4. It isn't about drought as much as it is about increased water consumption.

  5. Don't worry; the Cally-fornians will find a way to squander it.
