Wednesday, June 26, 2024

And here I was thinking Muslims like Ilhan Omar didn't get high...

Well, maybe she doesn't. And maybe he's not muslim and he doesn't get high. But his customers evidently do. Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing a new ethics complaint alleging she did not report tens of thousands of dollars in assets from her husband's weed and alcohol business. 
Since Omar and Tim Mynett, a 'Democratic operative', wed in 2020, there has been scrutiny over his business ventures. I hope this is the beginning of the end for this bitch. Read the story here.


  1. ETHICS?
    For a DEMOCRAT?
    Sorry, they don't have any and with their 'justice' system they don't need any.

  2. Which husband? Her current one or her brother/husband?


Boy - does Dad have a story for him...