Tuesday, June 11, 2024

An answer for our friend Birdchaser who doesn't like Florida (my home State for the last eight years)...

The original of this graphic was designed by the Florida Realtors Assoc., but I highlighted a couple of the best reasons. There are actually another twenty or so more good reasons, not the least of which is that we have a REALLY good Governor and State Legislature and very reasonable property taxes. 
Juss' sayin'...

Is the woman you love a cat lover?
She'd probably love to have these.

Here's your chance to show her you know all about it.
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. Nice place, not for everybody. Though the recent restrictions on HOAs are a great step, not to mention curbing the woke DEI academic industrial complex, and it''s true that the recent political environment is one of the best. Still, those of us a bit to the north encounter a surprising number of 'half-backs' who decide that high insurance rates, hurricanes, and increasing overpopulation and dehabilitation of many once attractive places make Florida a place to be from after a few years. After a few decades and living in multiple states one concludes that no place is perfect, one size does not fit all, your mileage may vary, and you may well want to move again.

  2. Spent a couple weeks visiting family in Stuart FL. Beautiful area. The fucking no see ems though. Bit the living shit outta me. Beaches are gorgeous and fishing is fantastic. I prefer summers in rural central Oregon and winters in FL or anywhere snow free. Have a good time in Ireland Joe.

  3. Moved to FL.4 years ago. Paradise!
