Monday, May 27, 2024

The (unofficial) start of summer is here? Says who...

 Memorial Day weekend has always been the traditional kick-off for summer stuff, but it really isn't. That's just in our heads...

I wonder if kids still do this in the inner-city like we used to back in the day. There was at least one fireman/Dad on every block and they all had those special hydrant wrenches you needed to open 'em. There were days when we'd be out there in it all day and by the time we got home we were all wrinkly and pruney and shit. Lotta fun...


He had a reason for doing it but never shared it with us. My father would 
play this album every Memorial Day weekend when we were at the shore. 
I wish he'd shared with us kids whatever it was it meant to him.

Summer begins on the summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year and when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. In 2024, the summer solstice will be on Thursday, June 20. However, the exact date can vary between June 20 and June 22 because the astronomical year is 365.25 days long, which is longer than the calendar year. During the summer solstice, the North Pole tilts most directly toward the sun, maximizing daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere. At the Tropic of Cancer and north, shadows will be the shortest they'll be all year, and at the Tropic of Cancer, there may be no shadow at all. Astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere lasts until the autumnal equinox, which is usually around September 22 or 23.




 This is the back wall of the outside deck bar at one 
of my favorite watering holes here in the Sunshine State. I have to say in all seriousness - if you're the kind of person who doesn't like bars like this, I got no use for ya, and you might as well go in the bathroom and read a six month old Good Housekeeping instead of being here. Ya folla?

The whole idea of having to pay to go on a public beach insults the living fuck 
out of me. Wanna go to the beach in Belmar, NJ? Nice town, nice beach, but forget about parking a car anywhere withing ten blocks of the beach, and a daily beach badge is twelve fucking dollars. If you get caught on the beach without one? Two hundred fuckin' dollar fine.






  1. Hasn’t been full dark here for 3 weeks. Won’t be again until August. I’m 150 miles or so south of the Arctic Circle. Solstice is a big deal here…we have a ballgame that starts at 10 pm; they’ve not turned the lights on for it yet.

  2. are there any beaches in nj that are free? i seem to recall wildwood was free.

  3. If you would like hearing an absolutely magical modern version of Rhapsody In Blue, check out this version. It is 18 min of musical bliss and perfection. I get goose pimples every time I listen to it, especially the "famous" part 2/3 the way through that United Airlines used in their commercials back in the 1980's. I'm sure you'll agree that both the pianist and orchestra are phenomenal.


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...