Friday, May 24, 2024

In the end, they'll never get together to debate anything...

When Joe threw down the gauntlet - or whatever the fuck that was - 
saying he'd debate Trump, he put so many 'conditions' on his challenge that neither one (the debates) will most likely ever occur. 
The questions would have to be pre-approved, he picked the networks, the 'moderators' and the locations, and there could be no live audience. 
There were also trivial conditions such as Joe's podium would be back-lit and colorful while Trumps would be a tree stump with rabid squirrels running aound it, and Trump would not be allowed solid foods for seven days prior to the debates. Yeah - probably won't go off as Joe thinks they will.


This is the new B-21 Raider. This aircraft will be a dual-capable 'penetrating strike stealth bomber' capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. The B-21 will form the backbone of the future Air Force bomber force consisting of B-21s and B-52s. Designed to operate in tomorrow’s high-end threat environment, the B-21 will play a critical role in ensuring America’s enduring airpower capability.
The B-21 Raider will be a component of a larger family of systems for conventional Long Range Strike, including Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, electronic attack, communication and other capabilities. It will be nuclear capable and designed to accommodate manned or unmanned operations. Additionally, it will be able to employ a broad mix of stand-off and direct-attack munitions.
Each new B-21 Raider will cost roughly $700,000,000.00. Buy Northrop Grumman stock now.

I don't follow motor sports. Is this a real thing?


 This is a screen cap of something that popped up on there this morrning. One of 
the MANY problems with Facebook is that no one else can control someone's account. I know that sounds stupid, but basically it's true. 
Today would have been my brother TJ's birthday, but he died last year, and there's no way for anyone to tell these jerkoffs that he's no longer with us. The upside is, the account stays active and you can still delve in to it's content for memories - to the extent that he would have determined himself. Juss' sayin'. 
This is me and T in better times in front of An Sceardán Dubh waterfall on the Fintown-
to-Doochary road. That name is in Gaelic. It means 'the black cascade'...

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

This is how they marked Memorial Day on the beach in Ocean City, 
Maryland last year(?) or the year before. Pretty cool, huh?

Here's a nice idea for a gift for someone special.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 for the pair and that price includes free shipping!


You can file this one under 'Be careful what you wish for'...

It hard for me to get my head around how big - and technologically advanced - Communist China really is. Because it's so big, they create big problems for themselves, like this one. did a great article on this one problem they are having. China - meaning the government mandating the production - has made a lot of solar panels, dramatically lowering prices and helping the country's clean-energy transition.
The problem is that Chinese manufacturers seem to have made too many solar panels, according to the US, the European Union, and their allies. They're now calling on Beijing to rein in the overcapacity of the panels and other goods, raising prospects of a trade war.
China's facing its own overproduction problem at home following a breakneck pace of growth in solar energy — one key pillar of the country's "new three" economic drivers. Reuters reported on Wednesday that China had installed so many solar panels that they were generating excess power that the country didn't have storage or transmission capacity for.


Think about this. The artist - Mort Walker - creates a comic strip that starts out making fun of the silly traditions, hard lifestyle and comical incidents of Army life. After doing it for as long as this guy did, he ran out of Army-specific plot ideas, so he takes everyday things, sticks uniforms on the characters involved in  everyday happenstance shit, and voila - he still has a comic strip, although it has nothing (really) to do with Army life. Ya folla?



  1. On Memorial Day that the Fern Township cemetery in Hubbard county Minnesota they have a ceremony where they read the names of all the veterans buried there. I left there in 2003, I'd like to think it's still going on.

  2. Sorry to read that about your brothers account.


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