Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How is it that nobody holds this guy's feet to the fire?

The MSM never seems to call this guy out when he utters 
these blatantly phony statements, but if DJT cracks a bad joke or doesn't cross a T, they're all over his shit. Juss' sayin'...

Of course it's a Beemer - but they did walk away...


As of today, Joe Biden has dumped a total of $167 billion in student loan debt in your lap. They don't have to pay it back - you do.

And it only took her 21 years to remember the incident. This is becoming more and more common. When the shit hits the fan for some jerkoff celebrity, all of a sudden other people with miracle memories come flying out of the woodwork with additional accusations that they sat on for decades without saying bupkis. Like that isn't some kinda scumbag money grab, right?


That's one of my favorite sayings. It should  be a bumper sticker.


This cartoon appeared in the Saturday Evening Post on New Years Day,
 January 1, 1949. Recognize the name of the artist? Yup, it's Peanuts creator 
Charles Schulz, long before he struck gold.

The reason for mentioning this is that I live in a town called Lady Lake in Lake County, Florida, so you kinda getting the idea there's a lotta water around here? 
Basically, you can't go two miles in any direction without hitting a pond, a lake, a stream, a river or just a big fuckin' puddle. And ya know what goes so well with all that water? Yeah - it's alligators. There's just shitloads of 'em. They're normally actually fairly docile creatures, but fuck with 'em when it's mating season or when they're hungry, say goodbye to little poochie. This guy actually jumped in the lake and rassled that little gator to save his pooch.

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her..
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!


Don't get your hopes up. You have no idea how many dirty little tricks 
these people have up their sleeves...


  1. Then there's the hallway sex - where you pass each other in the hallway and say "Fuck you."

  2. Dude is lucky the little guy's older bigger brother, daddy or mom didn't come along to investigate the ruckus and drag him under.


What - a doll...