Monday, May 13, 2024

'Come in Dublin, this is New York mooning you...'


The live-streaming 'work of art' is basically a video hookup between the cities, but given human nature, people are gonna fuck with it, so of course on Monday Irish and US media reported inappropriate behaviour over the weekend at both the Dublin and the New York portals. Videos circulating online included clips of a man "mooning" and others apparently pretending to take drugs.
A caller to RTÉ radio told of a woman suspected of being under the influence of alcohol being led away by gardaí (Irish police) after dancing provocatively against the portal screen.
Somebody paid this 'artist' a shitload of money to create this thing. Did anyone anywhere on either side of the pond not think it'd bring out the worst in people? Juss' sayin'...


  1. "Did anyone anywhere on either side of the pond not think it'd bring out the worst in people? "
    You don't think that was the goal?

  2. Instead of Art it is a window that shows depravity in what was a civil and moral society being murdered by diversity equity and inclusion on both sides.


Good Morning...