Monday, April 22, 2024

It seems like everything sucks lately. I should just start every morning's post with a joke or something...

 But ya can't start - and ya don't wanna finish - 
with something political, so go with something dirty...  


Take one look at this smug little piece of shit and you'll understand 
completely that she'll be a pain in someone's ass her entire life....


Times Square billboards back in the mid-50's, back 
when advertising actually made sense and told you about the qualities of their products. Advertising today couldn't be stupider if it tried, with entirely too much reliance on celebraties and Gen-Z gender confusion.


And people wonder why I  hate politics as much as I do...



The only reason I keep going back to this whole 'polls don't mean shit this far out from the election' thing is that so much of the media is so ridiculously wrapped up in the whole concept. You can't watch TV or listen to the radio or read a paper anywhere that you won't see a reference to some poll or another every single fuckin' day. 
It makes me believe that the media thinks your decision-making process will be somehow magically altered by the opinions of other people you don't know. What a waste of time, money and energy.

Oh, man - that face plant. Wow - that hadda hurt like fuck.


Buy her this  for Mother's Day.
It's only three weeks from now...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 28.00 and that includes free shipping!


Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom released an ad on Sunday showing Alabama police forcing young women to undergo pregnancy tests. And - again - you wonder why I hate politicians.


I need to run away for longer than a little while.
I'm sure you feel the same way sometimes.
Lately, I've felt that way a lot...


Sometimes ya juss wanna jump on yer HotWheel and ride.


  1. Isra Hirsi ... like mother, like daughter. Smug little pieces of shit, the pair of them. Deport them back to Somalia and wipe that smugness away.

    How did a Canadian robot get across the border? Border Patrol and ICE should have ripped its arms and head off at Niagara or Detroit ... where ever it illegally crossed.

  2. That "dirty", bruised up kid on the Big-Wheel... No tread left on the front wheel, legs all bruised up. We were like that once.
    If that little fella arrived here today, with these kids now, He'd have kicked the bullies' asses and kissed a girl, all before lunch. At which time the Admin will have doped him up so the snowflake teachers can "handle" a perfectly growing and developing boy.


Humans provide protein? Jeez...