Thursday, April 4, 2024

How many poor and middle-class people benefit with this program?

The average EV costs $58,000.00 and up. The average gas-powered car costs less that $32,000.00, with many more used-vehicle options available. That means the typical EV buyer is considerably more affluent than your working-class guy or gal. Why then are all of us subsidizing people wealthier than we are? You get a $ 7,500.00 tax credit for buying an EV. That money doesn't come from anywhere. It just disappears from the tax rolls.
Average direct subsidies from federal and state governments amount to almost $9,000 per vehicle over 10 years while direct subsidies from utilities push the amount over $10,000. But manufacturers receive subsidies too, and regulations force them to produce more and more EVs, even if the vehicles aren't profitable.
Everything about this whole electric car clusterfuck stinks, but they don't give a fuck. Why should they? Most of them don't even drive ferfucksake...


That can't be legit, can it?





Wow - how big a scumbag is this guy?


I wonder if he was commenting of Biden voters...

New York City's government commision - The Metropolitan Transportation Authorityu - is making a mad dash for to screw more New Yorkers out of even more cash. The latest target: runners for crossing the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. The transit agency is waging war against the organizers of the New York City Marathon — demanding $750,000 to make up for toll revenue lost for shutting down the span during the world-famous race. And if New York Road Runners doesn’t pay up, it’s threatening to restrict use of the bridge, which could reduce the number of runners who can compete.
Government of the people fucking the people...


Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

If you've never eaten in a diner like this one, 
you just haven't lived a full-enough life.


Definitely not the US, but pretty funny none the less.


You know MLK Boulevard is only a couple of blocks away...


  1. TX National Guardsman: Ratfuck traitor deserves a rope and a tall tree.
    NY bridge toll: I really didn't need another reason to stay away from that shithole.

  2. don't know if the knife-carrying bird is photoshopped, but I gotta admit it's th funniest thing I've seen in many years (mis-placed P or not)

    1. Crows like to collect shiny objects. He may well have filched the blade to impress a female.

  3. It's amazing how many resources they can muster to bust one American trying to smuggle one illegal.

  4. I see nothing wrong with the runners using the bridge pay to compensate the drivers who will be inconvenienced by the race. How long does the race shut down traffic?

  5. Kudos for nailing that scumbag trying to sneak in that one illegal alien. When are they going to drag Biden and Mayorkas out in manacles for bringing in 8 million of them?
