Friday, March 1, 2024

There's a solar eclipse next month - it's a bank-breaker...

If you think seeing a total eclipse of the sun will be a cheap thrill, you’re mistaken. On Monday April 8, the US will experience its first total eclipse since 2017 — and the cost to witness it is already soaring. 
The “zone of totality,” where you can see the sun vanish completely, goes from Mexico’s Pacific coast on a north-easterly path through Texas, Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine before passing through Canada’s maritime provinces.

Read the rest of the article and see some of the insane prices these
price-gouging jerkoffs are charging here.


  1. People doing the same as say, MLB jacking the prices of tickets for the World Series or the NFL and the prices for Super Bowl tickets. All the businesses that are in the host cities jack up prices during that time, so I can't complain they are jacked for 1 day.

  2. Hotels completely booked in Waco, Texas.
    One guy has booked an entire hotel in Clifton, Texas.

  3. Gotta make hay while the sun don't shine....

    But, really. What's the problem? This is just "surge" pricing in action. Think of it as an auction. There are 10 people who want one thing. The seller has one. What am I bid? The hotel room, no eclipse, is worth X. The eclipse creates additional value; why should the hotel owner not capture that increase? "It's not FAIR!" is an opinion; so is "but the price used to be....". The current VALUE of a hotel room in the path of the eclipse is not the same as the value of a hotel room NOT in the path. If the hotel OVER prices their room, it won't be occupied. The market determines the value.

  4. Eclipse: made airline reservations a month ago but could not find a car rental. So I'll be driving from Denver to Austin so that I can pickup three of my kids arriving at the airport there. If that eclipse is half the fun of the one in Wyoming back in 2017 it will be all worth the effort.

  5. Ha, ha, I'll just step outside at home in Texarkana when the time comes.

  6. Airports are charging parking fees for people flying their planes in to see the eclipse. Like hundreds of dollars


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