Friday, March 22, 2024

Open mouth, insert foot - you liberal cult of personality jerkoffs...

In the wake of the Princess of Wales' announcement that she has cancer, attention has turned to the cruel conspiracy theories peddled by celebrities during her time away. Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Andy Cohen and John Oliver all joked about Kate's time off work. From Instagram posts to ill-informed late-night bits, they cast doubt on whether it was really the Princess spotted with Prince William at a farm shop, and compared her jokingly to the 'Weekend at Bernies'. None have retracted their comments since Kate's sad announcement today. 
There is an article highliting just what all of dooshbags won't apologize for. You'll find it here.
Let me chime in here for just a minute. Kate is a superstar in every way. She's smart, she's incredibly beautiful, and she's got more class in her little finger than any of the other royal princesses or whatever title they enjoy combined. Piss on these hateful fuckwads...
Couldn'ta said it better myself...

You don't need a special occasion - or even a 
reason - to get her something nice. Just do it...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $ 28.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. The card ass ians will be upset. Talk about somebody who has cancer? NOOOOOOO!
    The media needs to talk about their card asses.

  2. I have found that the one thing that does piss these kind of assholes off is if you have no idea who in the hell they are. many years back ran into some asshole who had a "talk show" he was dumbfounded that I had no idea who he was. and I didn't care after he tried to explaining to me who "he was" still don't care about these assholes or what they think about anything really.

  3. They should recaption the Karadashian one 'Off to find my morals. I left them with some black guy.'.


DJT proving again his first priority is US...

And it's about fuckin' time, too. Who the fuck do they (our politicians and administraters) think we are that somehow it's okay ...