Monday, March 4, 2024

It's reigning cats and dogs here. Do you own a little doggie?

If I haven't said it before here I'll say it now. In spite of the fact that I'm a little more of a cat guy than a dog guy, I do like dogs. Some dogs - mostly bigger dogs. 
As for those yappy little ankle-biting motherfuckers, they only exist in the world because god was fucking around in his basement one day and wanted to see if he could create something more annoying than a mother-in-law. 
Juss' sayin' - if you're a little dog owner, good for you. Just keep it in the house. Your neighbors don't need to know every time a car drives by or a squirrel farts.


  1. 60° here in western ny and supposed to get even warmer by days end, took my pow and chains off the 4 wheeler so we'll probably get hit with a bunch of snow now

  2. Small yappy dogs are great! They are just sayin' get the big guns boss!


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