Friday, March 1, 2024

He's not a 'frat brother', he's a 'rat brother. Of the Presidential sort...

 The shit is about to hit the fan for Joe. First brother James Biden confirmed during his impeachment inquiry testimony that a $40,000 check made out to former Vice President Joe Biden in 2017 used funds James received from a Chinese government-linked company — while James also revealed he received overseas income as recently as last year.
James, 74, insisted that he didn’t believe the company, CEFC China Energy, was controlled by Beijing — claiming that “I just misspoke” when telling the IRS in a 2022 interview that first son Hunter Biden, who was partnering with his uncle, had described CEFC chairman Ye Jianming as a “protégé” of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Read the rest of this rather damning story here...


  1. The dems are the biggest crooks, but I would take odds that the will never see the inside of a jail.

  2. Oh it 's so. Tens of millions worth of true. What's the vid they have on him? homo sex? Pedophilia? Sadism? all the above?

  3. Ain't nuttin gonna happen. Still yet more evidence to be ignored like the piles of evidence before. What? Does anyone think our Justice Department is anything but a total farce??

  4. biden has never done anything but work for the public (bullshit, bullshit) how did he become worth over 40 mil?...."it is impossible for an honest politician to enrich himself while in office"....


Figure this one out, Auntie...