Sunday, March 31, 2024

Celebrationg Easter with Uncle Joe and his ilk...

I can't add anything to this. These people don't give a shit who they piss off, and will suck up to any group that's outside the mainstream. 
Joe claims to be a devout Catholic and then does something incredibly stupid like this? Yeah - re-elect him. the world is watching...

Wow - that is for real. The former Bruce thinks like I do. Holy shit.



The Post reported this morning that our little Mary cousins to the north in Niagara Falls, Canada, have declared a state of emergency ahead of the April 8 total eclipse as 1 million people are expected to flood the area. The Ontario side of the falls has started to prepare for the expected influx in visitors coming to see the total social eclipse in early April.
The city is within the path where the moon will entirely block the sun for a few minutes. Mayor Jim Diodati estimated the city would see the most visitors in a single day on April 8 with an estimated 1 million expected. On average, the city see 14 million visit per year. The state of emergency, which was announced Thursday, will allow the city to execute additional planning to help prepare for traffic jams, cell phone network overloads, and a higher need for emergency services, and more.


What a great move on the part of the Trump campaign. They've come up with this website where you can compare prices then and now side by side, and the prices appear to be fairly legit. Check this out - they really did a cool job on this site - 




Maybe the simplest and single-best argument I've heard 
in defense of the Second Amendment.

I had no idea there was an actual clinical name for this 'condition'
I suffer from. And I always thought it was slightly irrational. 
Until the other day. Go figure...

Click on their logo to see the story.



Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
She'd probably love to have this...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $ 35.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. Your fear of bridge crossing is common enough that there used to be a ferry service that would arrange for your car to be driven over the bridge while a boat took you to the other side.

  2. should get a good view of the eclipse here south of Buffalo near Pa line

  3. People don't think any more, they just want to be outraged over nothing.

    The International Transgender Day of Visibility falls on March 31st *EVERY* year.

    Easter is a movable feast and falls on a different date every year, specifically the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon on or after March 21st... This year it's today!

    Here is Biden's Easter message for Christians,

  4. Every Christian in America whether a Dem or GOP should be outraged over Biden putting Trannies ahead of Christ. He really is a disgusting POS. I honestly believe that Biden will not be nominated at the Dem convention and right here is a great example why

  5. Nothing despicable that the Biden administration does anymore surprises me. He is but a shell being manipulated by degenerates within the democrat party.

  6. Wouldn't it be interesting if the Archbishop excommunicated Biden.


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...