Saturday, February 10, 2024

McDonalds better get their shit together - $ 18.00 for a Big Mac meal? Bite me...

Americans are turning their backs on fast food as some of the country's largest franchises continue to hike the prices of what were once affordable meals. Explaining its first quarterly sales miss in almost four years, the CEO of McDonald's told investors this week that consumers on less than $45,000 a year were spending less at their restaurants. 'Eating at home has become more affordable,' said McD CEO Chris Kempczinski. 'The battleground is certainly with that low-income consumer.
Continue reading about this stupidity here:

There are many hand-made, inexpensive items still available.
Click on any picture above or below to see what's in her shop.


  1. In Canada, the KFC 12-pc with a pop and fries is just shy of $62.

  2. Raising the minimum wage had just a tiny little bit to do with it...

  3. Yesterday I went to KFC in Dunedin Florida, a 4 piece box was About $14 out the door.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...